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What Does it Cost to Develop A Grocery Delivery App?

As the online shopping world connects the public to great convenience, the grocery domain also barges into digitization. Thinking about how? Well, here we are referring to the convenience of grocery delivery apps.  

The tinge of digitization in almost all operational processes of grocery delivery, ordering & tracking has made it easier to serve people, facilitate payment options, keep a track of orders, and whatnot. What’s more interesting is the fact that now customers don’t require to visit the grocery store in person. Sooner or later, we all understood its necessity in pandemic times. This illustrates how online grocery marketplaces continue to empower small businesses effectively. 

The revolutionary changes in the grocery delivery app world:

Research says the grocery delivery and shopping experience are turning out to be the limelight factor for the mCommerce world. As of now, around 66% of customers prefer using their smartphones to shop for food, groceries, etc. online. Furthermore, the research unravels that more than 87% of grocery and utility purchases in the US are done via tablets or smartphones. 

Believe it or not, it’s the ideal time to invest in a grocery delivery app to tenfold your profits while making an identity in the marketplace. Still, wondering if you should get the best grocery delivery service app or not? 

Continue reading to reveal the answers or quickly surf through this knowledge-enriched video made for you.

Facts Disclosing the Ever-Growing Demand of Food-Based Businesses:

Surely the opportunity to make millions of dollars through the best grocery delivery app is here. In no time, it has become the biggest segment of food-based online businesses these days. In return for progressing profit rate, all it requires is to develop a grocery delivery app with all interfaces and features required to make a much-required difference. 

Here are some stats to support the statement:

  • 63% of global smartphone users prefer to shop online from brands and companies displaying relevant products. 
  • As per Statista, the total number of online shoppers in the United States is expected to grow by 30.4 million by the end of 2022. 
  • It may interest you to know that the sales of grocery items and market are risen by 15% in the UK with a total worth of £900m.  Source

Essential Factors to Know Before Getting Your Grocery Delivery App Developed:

Generally, there are two on-request grocery delivery app models. You may get to know about both of them when approaching a reliable mobile app development company. The two models include-

  1. The delivery administration collaborates with multiple stores and offers grocery delivery conveyance. 
  2. The delivery administrator has its own delivery and inventory management.

One of the biggest examples of the former is Walmart. The giant has its own application, delivery services, inventory management, and so on. 

How Does It Work?

A quick overview of how the best grocery apps work and offer you ultimate convenience.

Necessary Functionalities of a Grocery Delivery App Discussed:


The hassle-free registration process is one of the primary drivers standing behind the progressive profit graph of a grocery delivery app. Thus, it’s essential to keep the first step easy, quick, and effective. Here, the best approach is to keep things brief. 


Almost all grocery delivery apps come with a location module meeting the grocery delivery requirements for a specific location. Such features are fueled by Google for a seamless experience. Here, the customers’ exact location is dependent on the Geo-location set by Google API for that particular area.                       

Online On-Demand Integration:    

Third-party integration is a common scenario in the current times. Be it for payment or joining hands with different social media platforms; integration is becoming a must for all. The more integrations you propose, the more you raise the grocery app development cost. Thus, it’s essential to be selective with the required set of on-demand third-party integrations. 


Grocery delivery apps require an impeccable user interface keeping the matured target audience in mind. This is essential to keep the end-user engaged while adding value to the app usage experience. This happens when you focus on: 

  • Rich & Robust UI/UX:   

UI/UX plans and strategies work as the soul of a solution/app. It lets the user experience a seamless flow in the final app. 

  • Voice search options:

Beating the heat of cut-throat competition gets easier with blending easy-going and advanced features to your end solution. One of the biggest examples is infusing a voice search option. This lets your end-users experience AI innovation. 

  • Backend: 

A robust backend administration assists in letting the app run in a state of harmony while not hampering the usefulness of the grocery delivery app. 

Required Technology Stack:

Grocery Delivery App Features Explained Based on Different Interfaces:

Location-Based Cost Parameters Discussed:

The overall grocery delivery app development cost depends on many factors covering – outsourcing cost, technology stack used, hours dedicated, and much more. But there is something above all and that’s the preferred location. 

Here we are referring to seeking outsourcing help from a particular country. For example – the mobile app development cost in India varies from $10 to $40 per hour; on the other hand, it may go up to $150 for countries like the United States or the United Kingdom. 

Let’s have a quick look at the location-based costing:

Detailed Cost Breakdown to Support Grocery App Development Cost Estimation:

cost breakdown for grocery delivery app

As mentioned the overall time required to develop an on-demand grocery delivery app is 1900 to 2400 hours (approximately). These hours when multiplied with the above-mentioned location-based rates can give you a fair estimate of app development costs. For instance – a grocery delivery app may cost you around $20000 to $50000 in India. On the contrary, the same app development service cost may go up to $40000-$200000 in the U.S or Europe. 

Therefore, choose wisely!

Besides, the app may cost you for app marketing aspects, app updates, overall maintenance, and reusing the existing code. 

How Code Brew Labs Can Act As A Helping Hand Here?

The above-shown grocery app development cost breakdown must have given you a fair idea of the overall expenses incurred in this process. We are sure now your next aim must be to reduce the expected expenses. 

That’s when Code Brew Labs come into the frame. We have different white label base app models meeting all static needs while always keeping the customization scope open for you. From features to developing different interfaces for your dream hybrid or native app, we have got you covered. 

All you need is to share your grocery delivery app development cost expectations, and leave the rest on us! Step ahead, connect, and brace yourself to brew some successive grocery delivery app ideas with our tech-savvies. 

In the Nutshell:

When talking about analyzing the overall cost of grocery app development, it’s wise, to begin with evaluating different features, factors, and functionalities adding to the total cost. A suggestive approach is to jot down business needs, create a wireframe of required features, and then calculate the overall amount. 

A well-versed mobile app development company professional may be an apt choice to come to the right conclusion! 

Watch Live Demo of Our White Label Grocery App Solution – Instacart Clone: 

September 26, 2022

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